It took 8 months of exhaustive preparation…
dealing with different time zones and
conflicting schedules – but I finally got it done!
“38 of America’s Elite Public Speakers Reveal Thousands of
Dollars of Their Public Speaking Tips, Tricks, & Proven
Business Building Strategies to Success!
And the best part?
It’s all yours for less than $2 a Day!“
~Peter “the Reinvention Guy” Fogel,
Speaker, Author, Humorist
From the desk of Peter Fogel
West Delray Beach, Florida 33446
Dear Speaker,
There I was attending the National Speakers Association annual conference in New York City.
This was a pilgrimage to the mid-town Manhattan Hyatt where the cream of the crop—high earning speakers, trainers, authors, and consultants gathered to learn and share cutting edge industry ideas with each other.
Here’s the part that should interest you: While attending different keynote and break out sessions I was spellbound by the proven real world “inside information” these marvelous speakers were giving to their colleagues.
Then it hit me: If I could compile some of their tried and true techniques and secrets into an easy-to-follow manual… then I could share it with folks like yourself who want to know how these speakers became the top- gun presenters in America. |
Want to Quickly Become an “A” List Speaker?
Then Take Advice From “A” List Speakers!
I mentioned my goal to another speaker friend of mine at the conference and he shook his head and laughed,
“Well, good luck putting THAT together… you’ll never get these speakers to share any of this, they’re just too busy.”
Ahh… but I love a challenge. And challenge it was….
Countless phone calls… e-mails… pleading (Yes, I found myself pleading and calling in favors to my speaker brethren.)
But once I convinced to them to come on board with this important project I had strict guidelines:
I made it clear to these top-earning speakers to reveal their best techniques and strategies to you.
I wanted them to tell you what it takes to become a powerful communicator… how to build a speaking businesses properly… the steps needed to craft compelling stories… not to mention, the quickest way to land engagements… the whole nine yards…
I wanted you to gather their secret techniques that can vastly improve your platform speaking skills.
So much so, that you can leap to the next income level and exponentially BOOST your revenue—from $1500-$2500 a speech up to $7500 or more a presentation. (And that’s not counting back of the room sales that could add an additional $2-$3500))
Well, I am proud to say my NSA speaker colleagues stepped up to the plate and hit a home run for you.
Now, for the first time ever, you can get your hands on their many decades of experience and expertise at the click of a mouse. It is all yours with my new compiled manual, “The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets!” Just think:
The Magnificent 38 Pull Back the Curtain and Reveal their
Inside Industry Secrets to Profitable Public Speaking That
You Can Use Immediately!
This one-of-a-kind manual is like getting a masters degree in public speaking.
It is chock-full of advice, secrets, and fail-safe proven techniques from over 2 dozen of the most successful Top-Gun speakers working in the business today! For example…
1 Tiffanie Z. Lyon will put you on the road to building a strong foundation in your speaking career.
2 Lewis Harrison (past president of the NYC Chapter of the NSA) delivers ideas on how to grow rich within your niche.
3 Dr. Tony Alessandra hands you the tools you need to learn to speak with more authority in front of any audience.
4 Jane Sanders delivers you twelve proven tips to giving a memorable presentation.
5 Terry Brock (my good bud, aka “Mr. Technology”) will show you the correct way to use video so your presentations are enhanced and your message gets into the hearts and minds of your audience.
6 Joyce Weiss spills the beans on how networking can deliver you bigger profits in your business.
7 Jeff Davidson allows you to model the exact steps of how he, an in-demand veteran speaker, prepares a memorable speech.
8 Fred Gleeck “The King of Content” hands you insider tips on how to start your own seminar off properly so you get huge results later on.
9 Nanci Appleman- Vasseli gives you seven key elements to remember when speaking for money.
10 Dr. Rob Gilbert, Peak Performance Coach Extraordinaire, will hand you 42 efficient ways to give a successful presentation.
11 Cyndi Maxey and Kevin E. O’Connor will give you the survival tools you need to succeed on the platform when the audience, (for what ever reason), is just not into you.
12 Sheryl Roush will give you step-by-step instruction on how to properly prepare for your presentation.
13 Jill Lublin – delivers you on a silver platter “The Networking Magic” skills that every speaker needs to get to the top of their profession.
14 Dan Janal – will give you a plug n’ play method on how to automate your speaking business.
15 Howard Putnam (CEO of two airlines) gives you common sense business techniques on how to conduct your professional life on and off the platform.
16 T.J. Walker, the master of the media, will give you “secrets” to properly connecting with your audience.
17 Eileen McDargh will show you how to stand out from the herd… so you can be heard!
18 Thomas Frey – Google’s Top rated futurist speaker will give you little known cutting edge techniques (that no one is teaching) on how to get your site to the top of the search engines…
19 C. Roy Hunter will show you in record time how to over come stage fright so you give a seamless presentation.
20 Renee Grant– Williams will give you techniques on how to breathe life into your voice for power and resonance.
21 Danielle Kennedy will display the steps needed to craft a story that has a strong beginning, middle, and end.
22 Karen L. Baetzel – proves why it’s a necessity check your narcissism at the door (if you want to give an effective presentation.)
23 Camille Valvo provides you step-by-step on how to craft the right introduction that will position you properly in your audience’s mind!
24 David Newman – 10 sure-fire strategies that you can easily master that will get you a full calendar of engagements.
25 Patricia Ball, (Past President of NSA) will reveal the body gestures that are giving off the “wrong message” to your audience, and just as important— how to quickly correct them.
26 Patricia Weber will give strategies that can make any introvert and extrovert on the platform.
27 Jim Mathis will show you how to become a tele-master on the phone to land engagements with big paying clients!
28 Jane D. Deuber will reveal how to turn your knowledge/content into profit producing programs.
29 Joey Novick Esq will explain why you need to learn this one skill if you want to become a polished speaker who leaps over your competition.
30 Conrad “Jay” Hawreluk hands you proven audience participation ideas that will exponentially engage your listeners so you break down the fourth wall.
31 Marilynn Semonick gives you way on how to turn your passion into a solid business— before you even bound onto the platform.
32 Brenda Gale Bryant will illustrate how you have a one-one conversation with your audience.
33 Terry Seitz’s five rules to giving an effective story that will have your audience hanging on your every word.
34 David Portney gives you Super-Star Secrets to Seminar and Speaking Success.
35 Danielle Kennedy – awards you her 7 necessary steps to crafting a story that’ll engage your audience from beginning to end!
36 Randey Elk shows you how to release the passion inside of you so your whole presentation is energized and taken to a new heightened level.
37 Liz Goodgold – will show you how to create a compelling speech title that hands down will sell your message to your buyers (so they hire you) and your audience (so they will love you.)
38 Frank Furness, International Speaker, provides important tips to conquering the International Speaking circuit. (What you don’t know can hurt you overseas—now you’ll what to expect)
So Are My “World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets” Right for You?
They are, if…
You are a beginning speaker who wants a heads start on how to leap over your competition and build your business quickly.
Or you are an intermediate speaker who wants to fine tune your skills on the platform, BOOST your income, and become an in demand “A” list speaker.
You are a service professional (accountant, chiropractor, author, consultant) who wants to IMMEDIATELY gain expert status in the eyes of your present and future clients/customers.
You are a self-help junkie who KNOWS that having good solid public speaking information such as this could very easily deliver you an immediate impact in your business and life.
You are serious about learning the art and business of public speaking from working pros.
You are a savvy entrepreneur who knows when to take advantage of an unprecedented opportunity that can give you an ROI on your time and money!
Just imagine: In the World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets you get over 140 pages of rock solid information that can put you on the road to a successful speaking career.
One that can help boost your industry recognition within your niche… Give you immediate expert status— plus show you how to create multiple streams of income!
Here’s just a morsel of what you’re going to learn:
Plus much, much more…
But Don’t Just Take My Word for it…
Just Read What Other Respected Industry Pros Say About
“The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets”
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“It is said that public speaking ranks high on the list of fears, second only to dying. Peter Fogel has provided the best anti-dote in his new manual “World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets“. He leaves no question unanswered and no stone unturned in this comprehensive analysis of the speaking business. You have at your fingertips a veritable compendium of strategies for mastering the skills and artistry of public speaking.” Helen Turnbull Ph.D. Author of “The Village of Illusions |
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“Peter Fogel truly stands and delivers with this new comprehensive guide World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets Whether you’re seeking to fill your business to capacity with new clients or develop an elite speaking enterprise, this valuable resource is for you. This manual provides you over 25 elite speakers with their insights and success tips to becoming an A-list speaker.” Matthew K. Norton D.C Author of Where Does It Hurt? |
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“There’s a wealth of information in this book; don’t try to read it non-stop.Thankfully, Peter Fogel has amassed this practical and heart-felt advice from the top public speaking professionals in the nation. Anyone who is even just considering public speaking should read it. But do it slowly, and savor all the wisdom that resides here.”— Peter A. Schaible Editor-at-Large, The Mequoda Group |
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Putting into use the info found in The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets is like having your own personalized speaking coach. Whether you are speaking full-time or using it to create expert status in the minds of our clients or customers, you will greatly benefit from this guide. I certainly did!” Lori Wyman C.S.A,, Speaker and Emmy Nominated Casting Director |
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“Once again, Peter Fogel has put together a great e-book with wisdom from peak performing industry veterans. World’s Best Public SpeakingSecrets come from real working pros that can make any speakers, beginner or advanced, reach their goals quicker. The contributors to this manual have paved the road of success for you. Now it’s your turn to get on.” Judi Moreo, Motivational Speaker & Author “You Are More Than Enough” |
So ask yourself right now…
What is All This Potent
Information Worth to You?
What would you pay to get proven in-the-trenches public speaking tips from over 3 dozen of the highest-earning, most effective speakers who “walk their talk?”
How much are you willing to spend to get, (in my opinion), for a complete turn-key system to helping you achieve your public speaking goals?
What is it worth to you to gain knowledge that could put you on the path to sustainable six-figure income speaking career?
Now, before I tell you what this will all cost you— let me make this a complete no-brainer offer to you.
Order “The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets” TODAY.
Once you do I’ll include at no extra charge Two FREE Bonus must-listen to MP3 recordings that are the perfect compliment to my e-book
You can easily download these two 60-minute recordings and listen to them on either your computer, in your favorite chair in the study, or while driving…
Get ready, because you’re about to be exposed to over 120 minutes of rock solid information that will undoubtedly guide you to making the right choices for your speaking career!
“Branding Yourself in this Tough Economy to Get More Engagements” ($45 Value)
Are there still cool opportunities out there for speakers? Sure there is… plenty. But for the ones who will get hired quickly are the speakers who successfully brand themselves properly for today’s economic reality.
To get the inside scoop and ideas for your next move, you’ll want to hear from market strategist Vickie Sullivan. In her unique “here’s the deal” style, this no-holds barred session will give you the “why behind the buy” in today’s roller coaster times.
This tele-seminar reveals how to spot (and take advantage) of the hidden opportunities that come your way, including… :
- Three key changes in what clients who hire speakers are looking for this year
- Two things that speakers absolutely need if they want to be invited to speak at a function
- Three key “Speaker Brands” that are getting strong reactions from clients who hire speakers. (Know them and you can adapt them to your situation and get booked.)
- Two unique marketing approaches you can start using tomorrow that can provide you leads to land paid engagements!
Want to get your calendar booked up? Then you’ll definitely want to listen to teleconference…
Help Me Hire You: Surefire Strategies to
Getting Booked and Stay Booked from a
Speaker-Turned-Planner! ($45 Value)
As a full-time speaker who spent a year booking 160+ events, David Newman REVEALS how you can build your business and increase your visibility, credibility, and hire-ability! In this content filled tele-seminar you’ll discover…
- exactly what gets speakers hired using a dozen specific strategies from someone who booked speakers daily.
- actionable steps you can take immediately to re-position, re-package, and re-focus your speaking business to attract dramatically more and better bookings.
- what a full-time speaker turned conference producer looks for (and runs away from!) when booking paid speakers for events.
- Over a dozen step-by-step strategies for increasing your magnetism, credibility, and marketability as an expert who speaks.
- What meeting planners and conference producers really look for when making buying decisions
- How to rapidly make subtle changes in your own positioning, packaging, promotion, and performance to dramatically boost your business
Warning: Limited Time Offer!
Get All Three for One Low Price
I crunched the numbers and realized the teleconferences together are easily worth $90. So if you were to get the e-book and recordings for $90, it would still be a bargain, right?
Well, you won’t pay anything close to that. When you order right now the World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets e-Book along with your bonus downloadable MP3 teleconference calls — it’s all yours for just $69.
But hold it for one second. Remember: I am going to make this a no-brainer for you.
When you order today I’ll knock off $20 I’ll knock off $30.
So for a very limited time (and I do mean limited) you get the whole shebang for a low $49 39!
That’s it: $49$39…That’s thousands of dollars of public speaking advice.
Just think: For less than the cost of a dinner for two in a decent restaurant you get to peek into the minds of none one, two, or three…
… but 38 elite, high-earning speakers who want to
share with you what made them successful in the
speaking world and in their business.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
(If You Don’t Agree—it’s FREE!)
I know you have a lot of options of where to spend your hard earned money these days. That’s why I want you absolutely thrilled with your purchase!
It’s funny; other marketers who I respect think I’m including way too much in this package at this low price. Maybe I am… maybe I am not.
It really doesn’t matter. What does— is giving you real value with what I am offering you today. Which is why I want to make sure I over deliver to you on my promise.
And because there’s loads of important information between these pages, (not to mention in your bonuses), I am not going to give you a wimpy 30 day money-back-guarantee.
No, I am giving you a FULL 60 days to look over “The Worlds’ Best Public Speaking Secrets” During this trial period put the strategies these speakers have outlined for you to the test and listen to the teleconferences.By then, you should know if it’s for you. If at that time you still want a refund (And I don’t know why you would with all the rock-solid information you’re receiving) … then simply shoot me an e-mail and I’ll give you every red cent back. Not only that, the manual and two teleconference recording are yours to keep for FREE. That’s right FREE! As you can plainly see I am taking ALL the risk here for you! |
Look – I searched high and low and I truly believe you’re getting information that is not readily available in any text book.
Again, you will have in your hands time-tested and proven ideas and techniques that can save you HOURS of trial and error with your own career, (not to mention time and money!)
My advice? While it’s fresh on your mind, order TODAY! You really have nothing to lose… and a profitable speaking career to gain!
To your speaking success,
Peter “The Reinvention Guy” Fogel
Speaker – Author – Seminar Leader
PS Remember: With “The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets e-book you have the opportunity to be mentored by some of the Top Speakers in America.
Just to get an hour of their time would most likely cost you around $250 an hour. (I kid you not.) That is if you could get them in between their client training and corporate speaking engagements that take them all over the globe.
Having access to them would be your Plan A, of course. BUT now you have Plan B: Reading and putting into use their tips, tricks, and strategies in The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets. You really owe it to yourself to order now, BEFORE the coming price increase.
PS One more thing: After finding success with “The World’s Best Public Speaking Secrets” (as well as the recordings) would you mind doing me a small favor?
Send me a little note telling me all about it. I would like to share your great results with other like-minded people. Once you do, I will send you a surprise gift. Just contact me at